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Ghost's Story-Found on the streets in Kumanovo, N.Macedonia where he was wandering for days. People reported him as aggressive, and we needed to act immediately since a lot of kill-shelters were threatening that they were going to euthanize him! He was said, as he's been left by his family. He's obviously a dog that has had home before, since he's obedient, and knows how to walk on a leash. There's only one problem, and that is he doesn't get well at first with females… It's probably something in his past. He's going to need some time to get used to females, but is excellent with males.

Status: Ghost is currently in a kennel.

Breed: Mix

Gender: Female

Birth date: August, 2017 (Estimate)

Size: Big

Current Location: Macedonia

Good with dogs: Yes

Good with cats: N/A

Suitable for families: Yes (Careful with female adopters)

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