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Robin’s Story – Robin is Dory's son. He's part of more puppies when his brothers and sisters have found their home, but he didn't. Because of his careless running around and because there was a danger for his life, we took him in. Together came his mother, that couldn't leave her son alone :)

Status: Robin is currently in a kennel.

Breed: Lab/Cane corso mix

Gender: Male

Birth date: Jan, 2020 (Estimate)

Size: Medium/Large

Current location: Macedonia

Good with dogs: Yes

Good with cats: N/A

Suitable for families: Yes

His pension costs 60€ per month.

If you wish to help us with him, you can do so via our PayPal:

s.steffani@hotmail.com mention for Robin

Робин - Од легло со своите братчиња, единственото кое не си нашло домче. Неговата невнимателност можеше да резултира во губење на неговиот живот поради опасното небезбедно возење на возачите во околината, па одлучивме да го земеме. Со него дојде и неговата мајка, Дори, чија мајчинска љубов не можеше да го остави сам.

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